UK takes anti-terrorism initiative: with rights to obtain citizen-issued passports

CNN World News published an article surrounding the UK’s recent initiative to limit terrorism on Monday. CNN is a high-ranking news site that delivers breaking news stories catered towards United States citizens.

In efforts to keep ISIS supporters out of the UK, Prime Minister David Cameron now grants law enforcement officials the ability to obtain passports from any suspecting individual who may attempt entry or re-entry into the country. This impactful initiative concerns UK citizens who may have travelled outside of the country, and return to discover they are not allowed back in. What will innocent individuals do if they happen to be deemed as a threat to their home country? How far will this temporary initiative go in terms of excluding and tagging potential terrorists? One may believe that suspects are sought out mainly by their appearance. Following the events in Syria and Iraq involving the late American journalist James Foley, countries like Great Britain are beginning to face these extremely controversial decisions. And now that the UK has begun this act, it is inevitable for other places around the world to follow suit.