An idiot’s guide to inequality

Rather than keeping his points short, sweet and to the point, Nicholas Kristof uses emotion, vibrant language and a stream of consciousness to argue his point. He begins his column with a strong, amusing lead: “We may now have a new most unread best seller of all time.” The lede is its own paragraph and he continues on to introduce the topic and his opinion at a basic level before delving into the topic fully throughout.

The rest of the article is divided into five main headings to denote Kristof’s five main points. He then concludes with a friendly blanket statement that completes the opinion article. While he includes a number of direct quotes, they are incomplete and used more for emphasis of phrases rather than to portray the direct quote of an individual. He is less focused on portraying pertinent information to a large audience, and more focused on providing an entertaining article for people who are willing to take the time to read the entire paper.