Cocaine and Cupcakes

This fascinating article from the Boston Globe exposes the growing issue of recovering drug addicts who are becoming dependent on sugary foods to quell their drug cravings. These individuals do are in a habit of dependence and have not been taught how to properly take care of themselves. It cites a number of first hand accounts of the problem as well as a number of research experts on addition and nutrition.

The article does a very impressive job integrating quotes into its evidence. While it is quote heavy and relies little on paraphrasing, the inclusion of direct quotes from those affected pulls on the heart strings of the reader and direct quotations from research experts gives the article a lot of accreditation. It is able to integrate quotes seamlessly into its sentences rather than using the typical “so-and-so said” format, and instead using partial quotes. This takes a lot of skill and shows the writers full understanding of the topic as he is able to use the quotes as both hard evidence and analysis.