Ray Rice cut by Ravens due to domestic violence video

This morning, staff writer Kate Belson of the New York Times published an article about how Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice was caught on camera knocking out his wife unconscious. The entire video of the married couple quarreling in the elevator back in January was released today and has caused the suspension of Rice in the N.F.L. Rice was released from the Baltimore Ravens as soon as the video was leaked as shown by this Twitter post.

The lede of this story is simple and to the point. It mentions all of the key points within the article in one sentence and supports the header of the article. I found that the mentioning of domestic violence and a “graphic video” provoked me to read the rest of the article. The lede made me want to know the entire story and is simple enough where I know what the entire story is about in that one sentence. I think that the urgency that the N.F.L. must work with in order to combat the domestic violence case is emphasized and is apparent in the lede as they use words like “renewed scrutiny” to describe what the N.F.L. is faced with. I found that the lede instantly drew me in and I instantly wanted to read more about the story in depth. The second graph describes what the video was and gave more information about the events that occurred in the clip. This graph is also attention grabbing because it sets the scene and allows for the reader to picture the unfortunate events without watching the clip. The third and fourth graphs give the readers an insight to the case itself and give a background to previous events leading up to the full clip that was just leaked this morning. The entire article is informative and summarizes the case against Ray Rice.