UNICEF supplies reach children displaced by fighting in Ain Al Arab/Kobane

UNICEF is a unique organization that helps build a world where the rights of every child are recognized. The organization was created to work with others to overcome obstacles that poverty, violence, and diseases are placed in a child’s path. UNICEF advocates actions to give children the best in life.

The latest news release was posted on the UNICEF website in the “Press center” section. UNICEF announced that supplies such as hygiene kits, blankets, water and high energy biscuits have been delivered to northern Aleppo where many children from the Syrian border city of Ain Al Arab/Kobane have been taken refuge.

The news release begins with a bold headline and then a straight summary lede stating the main message of the article. It continues to show more information of the story by presenting volunteer teams that will team up with UNICEF to help with supplies.

The headline captures the reader’s attention with the use of bold type. It’s a straightforward and short news note that gives the main points of the story. The news release is well written, but the use of AP style wasn’t used correctly in some cases such as the date “21 October 2014.”

I hope one day I get to work for this amazing organization!