Death with Dignity

In this week’s health news, Brittnay Maynard’s name has been buzzing on every major news network. NBC’s Brian Williams discussed Sunday night about Maynard leaving this world peacefully at her own will.

Maynard had decided last spring to take medication that would allow her to pass away at her own peace, which has caught people’s attention in the United States about her decision.

At the beginning of the package, Brian Williams introduces the situation that will be discussed throughout the segment. He is the only anchor on camera with multiple visuals of Maynard in the background. He notifies his audience about Maynard’s passing over the weekend.

A lot of the package is B-roll and voice overs of Maynard talking and showing pictures of her and her husband as well as her mother. There are parts that Maynard’s face is shown, which gives a very emotional aspect of the video.

The editors added music to the background to enhance emotions and gives the audience a feeling of sadness for Maynard and her family. You get the raw emotions of Maynard as she sits in-front of the camera and is crying about her short lived life. She explains to Kate Snow, NBC’s national correspondent who is reporting the story, about the struggles of living her life in such pain.

Maynard admits in front of the camera that this is the best situation for herself as well as her love ones.

Personally, I was really distraught by this package along with multiple people who I talked to as well who watched it as well. Not only is this situation very emotion it has been a big controversy not only in the medical field, but also creating social stress. There has been a lot of talk about her decision, but according to Maynard’s statement “I’m not killing myself. Cancer is killing me.”

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