Care to Skimm the news?

Reading news via theSkimm is like chatting with a hip twenty-year-old. It is painless. Genius, even.

Former NBC producers Danielle Weisberg and Carly Zakin launched theSkimm in mid-July of 2012 in hopes of enlightening those not working in the news world about all of the latest current events. Weisberg and Zakin took into account the fact that although people want to know the news, they do not have a lot of spare time and patience to read it.

With a blocked-style and quick summaries one paragraph each, busy, time-crunched people can stay current. The writing is easily informal and jam-packed with informative details. Most summaries have a knowledgable source accompanied with a quote. “Who, what, when, why, and where?” questions are answered. There is no fluff. And if a reader cares to delve further into the issue, the news briefings contain embedded links.

Simply put, theSkimm is candy-coated news. And its readers are treating the phenomenon with utmost approval.

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