The World’s Coolest Places

Nicholas Kristof published this column on July 26, 2014 in a Sunday Review of the New York Times.  The column consists of photos and comments Kristof presents of some of the places around the world that he things are the “coolest”.  This list includes Bikini Atoll, Marshall IslandsPotosí, Bolivia,  Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, Amritsar, India, Tanna, Vanuatu and Cu Chi Tunnels, Vietnam.  

The column is arranged with a commentary at the beginning, following with a list including pictures and descriptions of these places.  The commentary Kristof uses is very informal, using personal reference words such as I, or I’m.  The pictures corresponding to the list were not Krisof’s original photos, so he did site them, and the descriptions underneath the photo contain some history of the places he chose, and some additional commentary to why he thinks the place is so great.  He also puts into perspective what it would be like if the reader were to visit these places, and the reactions they would feel.  It is clear that a column differs from a news story because it is more personal and informal.  Kristof’s personality and exact thoughts are shown within his work, which does not happen in a news story.  Readers can be persuaded more by columnists because they are reading biased reports, and because of Krisof’s well-known status, readers may actually look into these cool places, that are not usually popular vacation spots.

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